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How to become a Freelance Writer in Pakistan

Freelancing has become common in Pakistan, especially in the last five years. I remember when I started my journey as a writer in Pakistan; very few people knew about this amazing online world. However, things have changed over time.  How to become a Freelance Writer in Pakistan According to the Oxford Internet Internet Institute's Online Labor Index, Pakistan secured 4th place as the most popular country for freelancing. Now come to the main point of becoming a freelance writer in Pakistan; here is your ultimate guide.  1. Improve your English: First thing first, you need to have perfect English to write. You must be able to communicate the intended message clearly to your audience. If you already have a native standard, just skip to the next part. If not, then work hard. You need to improve your language skills to become a writer.  2. Select a Niche: You can not write on every topic. You need to choose the topics you like the best. A niche can be health, tech, spiritual, etc. Sel