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Essay on Friendship for Secondary Classes

Friendship is one of the most important aspects of life. As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” But what does it mean to be a true friend? A good friend always stays by your side and is ready to help in every situation.   Essay on Friendship - Who is a Good Friend  A good friend possesses many admirable qualities. First and foremost, they are loyal and trustworthy - you can count on them to keep your secrets. They also provide emotional support when you need it most. They make an effort to remember special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries, as well as little details about your life that make all the difference. Good friends work hard to show that they care about you and your thoughts and feelings. They listen without judgment and offer advice when necessary. Moreover, a good friend is honest with you even if it hurts. They will tell you if something isn’t right instead of keeping quiet in order to spare your feelings. Friends who don’t offer honest feedback