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Flood Issues in Pakistan (Essay for 9th and 10th Class)

A flood is a set of circumstances in which a region receives an inundated burden of water for some frame of time due to different roots of origin.  The reason may include may heavy and continuous rainfall, over-spilled rivers and dams, the deficit of plantation, deforestation, and emission of greenhouse gases. Nowadays, one more troubling condition that has increased the flooding in any region is global warming.

Floods affect society in different ways such as human life losses, livestock losses, property demolition, and crop destruction. It also increases the risk of spreading water-borne diseases like Typhoid, Cholera, Shigella, Dysentery, Malaria, Amoebiasis, Giardia, and Hepatitis A. Alongside, it also pollutes drinking water.

Pakistan faces floods in the summer monsoon season, mostly in July and August. In the monsoon season, there are heavy rainfall spells that continue consecutively without long interims. 

Pakistan is an agricultural country. As a result of heavy rains, farming lands and crops get affected badly. It leads to a significant economic crisis. Moreover, reaching the farms also results in livestock losses.

Being an underdeveloped nation, Pakistan's infrastructure is mediocre and inferior. Due to improper drainage and poor planning, excessive water doesn’t drain for much time leading to the loss of precious lives. It also hinders rescue operations, especially in far-off regions where there are no proper roads

Rural areas are totally destroyed and drowned during floods and have vast and irreversible damages. Meanwhile, urban areas are equally disturbed due to these monsoon spells because of no planning and no proper disposal of waste. Blockage of the drainage system results in urban flooding.

An underdeveloped nation like Pakistan can get out of these scenarios by taking timely measures. Cleaning the drainage system beforehand and proper planning while building the city’s infrastructure can solve the urban flooding issues. While for the rural area, developing new water reservoirs and dams can save the excess water which can later be used by the region. Strict measures should also be taken to counter deforestation issues. 

If the government plans properly, Pakistan can use the extra water constructively. We must learn from the past. Prevention is always better than cure. The destruction caused by floods is only manageable by using the right tools at the right time. 

Written by Javeria Uzair 

This essay covers the topics Flood in Pakistan Essay, Flood issue in Pakistan Essay, Essay on Flood in Pakistan for 9 class, and Essay on Flood in Pakistan for 10 class. If inter (11 and 12) classes are required to write an essay on Flood in Pakistan having over 300 plus words, this essay can be used. 


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