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Role of a student in society Essay for 9th and 10th Class

“Man is by nature a social animal.”

The social animals combined make a society. Society is a set of individuals sharing common bonds of land, religion, culture, etc. A student seeks knowledge. Students are the elite part of any society. With the right approach, they can bring tremendous change and play a significant role in society.

"A good education is the foundation of a better future".
Elizabeth Warren


The supreme task of every student is to acquire knowledge. Students should first work on individuality and enhance their skills. When this level is achieved, then comes the turn to straighten out the society.

Social consciousness is a key to unlocking success and every student must have it. It allows them to observe the outlook of other people. It assists them in refining their social skill. Alongside, it helps them to recognize the requirements of others.  

Students who are socially awake can appreciate the attainable assets. They can use these assets to address the necessity and become productive for society. For instance, they can upskill the ignorant part of society. They can teach underprivileged people like maids, servants, and other domestic help. If it is not possible to teach, they can provide proper guidance on availing of the government’s and NGO’s educational programs. 

Good students can share their knowledge with others. They can help their fellow students in their studies.

In rural areas, students can help the villagers. They can guide farmers in learning about mechanized farming. Also, technical students can use their knowledge to make the lives of the villagers better than before. 

Students can also take part in the betterment of the health sector. In the donation sector of hospitals, students can play a vital role. They can promote welfare work and collaborate with awareness campaigns. 

Students can get involved in other society-improving activities as well. Like, taking part in road safety programs, raising their voice against child labor, stepping up to set up anti-drug institutes, and spreading awareness about the benefits of clean and green surroundings.

However, nowadays, students fritter away their precious time. They are involved in several activities that are not leading toward the betterment of society. Especially, internet and smartphone usage abuse are on the rise. When the students of any society are involved in destructive activities, there is no future for that society. 

Allan Bloom rightly said, "Education is the movement from darkness to light." A little progress each day can add bigger and better results for society, and every student must play a part. 


Written by Javeria Uzair 

This essay can be used as an essay on the role of a student in society for 9th class, the role of a student in society for 10th class, and the role of a student in society for inter classes. 


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