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Independence Day of Pakistan Essay

Independence Day of Pakistan Essay

 "Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty."
                     Ho Chi Minh

14 August 1947 is not just an ordinary date for the Pakistani nation. It is an emotional feeling of affection as it is a day when we got our own identity. A separate piece of land where we can follow our religion freely.

Pakistan is a state which was earned in the name of Islam. It is the first-ever country that was built on pillars of a particular religion.

The journey of freedom began when Sir Syed Ahmed Khan presented the two-nation theory. According to him, Muslims and Hindus do not have any similarities. We have our individuality which can not be merged with others' faith. This statement worked; Muslims of South Asia recognized their values. Afterward, Allama Iqbal who is renowned as a Poet Of The East dreamed about a separate homeland for Muslims. He motivated the believers with his poetry and sowed the seed of a demand for a distinct Islamic state.

Muslims started their efforts to get their real stake in society. Before that, they were unprivileged in many aspects.

At first, all these attempts of liberation were in vain. But later on, Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined the community and became an active part of their movement and then things turned in their favor.

East India Company came to India to expand their business; but later, they settled here and began to engage with the governing authorities. They eventually occupied the whole region. Indians were under the control of the British empire for around 200 years. Subsequently, world war 2 started and Britishers lost their command in the state. The civil disobedience movement intensified.

The process of eviction of Britishers from the region commenced. Meanwhile, the simple idea of a separate nation now became a strong movement. Factions united nationwide under the umbrella of the Muslim League which was the political party to convince the parliament to give rights to Muslims. Later, this League played a prime role in the freedom campaign of Pakistan.

As a result of this great movement, Pakistan appeared on the world's map on 14 August 1947 with the support and guidance of  Quaid -e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the father of the nation, the first Governor General of Pakistan.

   "With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you can not achieve."
                      Quaid-e-Azam M.Ali Jinnah.

As we all know, every precious gift comes with an unbearable price. It was proven in the case of my beloved country too. Thousands of people lost their valuable lives, loved ones, properties, livestock, etc. Those who survived the riots came to Pakistan with empty hands. They sacrificed for the next generations. We must remember our martyrs, and we should take good care of our country.

Every year on 14 August, Pakistan celebrates Independence day all over the country - a national holiday is observed. The festive mood is on from 1st August. On the day of independence, the following activities take place. Flag hoisting ceremonies are conducted in various parts of the country. The Prime minister and President address the nation. Important buildings are illuminated with lights. Guard changing ceremonies are done at every monument. People wear clothes that match the flag colors (green and white), sing patriotic songs, and visit national monuments. Public decorates their houses, offices, educational institutes, vehicles, etc with, flags, lamps, green and white lights, banners, and posters. Each and everyone rejoices at the gala.

May Allah bless and protect our motherland and make it prosper Ameen.
     "There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan" 


Pakistan zindabad.

Written by Javeria Uzair

This essay can be used Independence day of Pakistan essay for class 9, an Independence day of Pakistan essay for class 10, and an Independence day of Pakistan essay for class for inter classes. 



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